Our ability to award these scholarships would not be possible without the support of our donors.  Through their support, our aim to maintain the legacy and cultural heritage of our great parish is being realized.  Tensasans have achieved many great accomplishments through their educational and professional careers; the TRI scholarship is one way to assist future graduates who represent Tensas in continuing this tradition.  If you are a fellow Tensasan or potential donor who would like to support our effort to assist youth who are ascending from Tensas Parish, we are extremely grateful for your willingness to assist.

You can support our scholarship fund by donating online today at the following link

Paypal donate-button

You may also donate by filling out this donation and pledge form and  mailing it and a check to the following address:

Tensas Reunion Scholarship Fund
C/O Albert Rowe, Board Treasurer
10631 N. Park Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA  70811-1742

You can support our scholarship fund by ordering a Tensas Schools History Journal.

Order Form

For questions:

Donation to the Scholarship Fund
Ways and Means Committee
Erika James, Chairperson

The Ways and Means Committee is responsible for organizing ways to raise funds for the Scholarship Fund.

In the past, selling raffle tickets at all reunions has primarily been one of the ways of raising funds for our Scholarship Fund. 

TRI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution will be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your financial donation.